Tony Smith

I'm a lifelong cooking enthusiast with a special love for strange and underused ingredients. I hope this blog helps open your mind to more of the wonderful edible treasures around us.

What are shiitakes?

Here, shiitake gained the name that remains widely accepted today — shii for Castanopsis cuspidata, the hardwood tree species that the mushrooms commonly grow on, and take, the Japanese word for mushroom. Shiitake’s head is a quest item for the paranormalist quest “Earning Respect .” It is a recipe in botania discovered after contacting the …

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Does amaranth have lectins?

The amaranth lectin is responsible for the antiproliferative activity . Amaranth lectin IC 50, 0.1 mg/m. L, was 10 times more active than MPI and similar to MPI-h. Amaranth lectin exerts a cytotoxic effect that would promote apoptosis. A decrease in cellular adhesion was also demonstrated. Whole Grains Raw wheat and other whole grains are …

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Maitake mushroom where to buy?

Finding fresh maitake mushrooms isn’t too easy; they aren’t usually in most big supermarkets. Often this delicate mushroom is grown locally and sold through small producers at farmers’ markets and smaller grocery stores. Where to Buy Maitake Mushrooms Finding fresh maitake mushrooms isn’t too easy; they aren’t usually in most big supermarkets. Often this delicate …

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Where quinoa originated?

Quinoa is not a grass, but rather a pseudocereal botanically related to spinach and amaranth ( Amaranthus spp. ), and originated in the Andean region of northwestern South America. It was first used to feed livestock 5.2–7.0 thousand years ago, and for human consumption 3–4 thousand years ago in the Lake Titicaca basin of Peru …

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Why is quinoa expensive?

Quinoa contains a record amount of protein, making the demand a lot bigger than the supply. Quinoa is expensive because of the transportation fees and demanding growing conditions (no low temperatures). One of the next things we asked ourselves was; should you buy quinoa on an organic food budget? Because quinoa comes with built-in, nasty-tasting …

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What quinoa is?

Quinoa is the seed of a plant known scientifically as Chenopodium quinoa. It is higher in nutrients than most grains and often marketed as a “superfood” (1, 2). Although quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) is prepared and consumed like a cereal grain, it’s categorized as a pseudocereal, as it doesn’t grow on grass like wheat, oats, and …

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Does millet cause goiter?

While millet does not contain gluten , it does contain goitrogens. These are substances that suppress thyroid activity and can lead to goiter. This condition involves enlargement of this very important gland which resides in the throat. Do millets cause goitre? Studies in some populations that consume millets as a staple have shown unusually high …

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What to do with morels?

Coat them in flour, fry them, and sprinkle them with salt. Let the fungi’s flavor truly shine. Roast morel mushrooms and asparagus spears in olive oil, butter, and fresh thyme for a savory springtime meal. “This is insanely, incredibly, ridiculously good. I’ve also made it other mushrooms once my morels were gone, and it tastes …

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Are millets cereals?

Most of millet crops are native of India and are popularly known as Nutri-cereals as they provide most of the nutrients required for normal functioning of human body. Millets are classified into Major Millets and Minor Millets based on their grain size. What is the difference between Millet and cereal? Key Difference: Cereals are the …

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Does millet have arsenic?

Consumer Reports suggests mixing up your grain consumption with other grains that are naturally lower in arsenic. Amaranth, buckwheat, millet and polenta have almost no levels of arsenic. Bulgur, barley, and farro have very low levels. And quinoa has less than rice. Which grains have the least arsenic in them? Vary your grains, especially if …

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What is a millet?

Millet is a cereal grain that belongs to the Poaceae family, commonly known as the grass family ( 1 ). It’s widely consumed in developing countries throughout Africa and Asia. While it may look like a seed, millet’s nutritional profile is similar to that of sorghum and other cereals ( 2 ). Millets are some …

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Does millet have gluten?

Yes, millet in its natural form is gluten-free . These small-seeded grasses are harvested for grains and are used in a wide variety of ways. Versatile and diverse, millet grains are used in dishes around the world, including flatbreads, porridges, drinks, pilafs, breads, and more. A common inquiry we ran across in our research was …

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What is millets?

Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses , widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for human food and as fodder. Millets are a rich source of a wide variety of micro-nutrients like calcium, thiamin and magnesium. The presence of these micro-nutrients supports the immune system and prevents invisible deficiencies. …

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Are chanterelles poisonous?

While they are not poisonous, there are some reported cases where they’ve caused gastric discomfort in some people. While it’s very easy to avoid a Jack-O-Lantern mushroom, false chanterelles are a bit trickier . You may be asking “Are chanterelle mushrooms poisonous?” There’s only one poisonous chanterelle look alike, the Jack-O-Lantern mushroom (Omphalotus olearius). While …

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What is cordyceps?

Cordyceps is a genus of parasitic fungi that grows on the larvae of insects. When these fungi attack their host, they replace its tissue and sprout long, slender stems that grow outside the host’s body. Cordyceps is actually a fungal spore that kills insects such as caterpillars and moths and feeds off their tissues. The …

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Where to find morels?

In the U. Morels grow in forested regions on the Pacific coast from San Francisco north through Washington State . They are also found east of the Mississippi River from eastern Texas up through New York. The next thing we wondered was where is the best place to find morels? You are most likely to …

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Porcino los dos?

, and porcino, na., and del lat., and porcīnus., and adj. Perteneciente o relativo al puerco ., and m., and puerco pequeño., and m., and chichón, porcel. While we were researching we ran into the question “¿Qué es un porcino?”. Some believe that Definición de porcino – Qué es, Significado y Concepto La noción de …

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