Tony Smith

I'm a lifelong cooking enthusiast with a special love for strange and underused ingredients. I hope this blog helps open your mind to more of the wonderful edible treasures around us.

Shiitake donko?

Mitoku donko shiitake are sun-dried, thus increasing the already abundant vitamin D content of shiitake that are naturally grown outdoors. The mushroom’s Japanese name shiitake (椎茸) is composed of shii (椎, Castanopsis), for the tree Castanopsis cuspidata that provides the dead logs on which it is typically cultivated, and take (茸, “mushroom”). The specific epithet …

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What is a maitake?

Maitake ( Grifola frondose ) is a type of mushroom. It forms large clumps on tree stumps and tree roots. It was first used in Asian traditional medicine. Maitake mushroom grows in forests in Asia, Europe, and eastern North America. It contains chemicals that might help fight tumors, stimulate the immune system, and lower blood …

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Can quinoa go bad?

Just like any other cooked food, cooked quinoa can also go bad after a certain time or when not correctly stored . Always use your senses in judging whether your pack of cooked quinoa has spoiled. If it looks and smells right, give it a small taste. Cooked quinoa will go bad if left out …

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Does millet has gluten?

Additionally, millet is used in livestock feed and birdseed, so be sure millet you purchase is for human consumption as millet sold for animals has its indigestible hull intact. However, while millet is naturally gluten-free, it’s always best to play it safe with grains . You could be asking “Is millet gluten-free?” Yes, millet in …

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Does quinoa contain arsenic?

Bulgur, barley, and farro, which contain gluten, also have very little arsenic. Quinoa (also gluten-free), had average inorganic arsenic levels comparable to those of other alternative grains. But some samples had quite a bit more. Because rice contains arsenic, foods derived from rice naturally contain it too. Popular rice products that are consumed in large …

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Are morels expensive?

Morel mushrooms are expensive., and really expensive. While prices vary from store to store or region to region, the fresh ones can cost multiple times more than the other cultivated mushrooms they sit next to on the shelves. Why are they so expensive, and are they really worth buying? How much do morels cost? Another …

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Where is amaranth from?

The genus is native to Mexico and Central America. In pre-Hispanic times, amaranth was cultivated by the Aztec and their tributary communities in a quantity very similar to maize. Known to the Aztecs as huāuhtli, amaranth is thought to have represented up to 80% of their energy consumption before the Spanish conquest. Amaranth has quite …

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Can morel mushrooms be grown?

Growing morel mushrooms indoors is nearly impossible for all but experts with access to the strictest laboratory conditions and equipment. To grow morel mushrooms at home, you must try to replicate their favorable growing conditions outdoors. If you don’t experience success one season, try again, as morels have an unpredictable growing habit. Can morel mushrooms …

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Are amaranth leaves edible?

Nearly all amaranths are edible, including ‘love-lies-bleeding’ and even the common roadside weedy forms. But those sold as edible varieties are selected for their good seed production and especially tasty leaves. Are amaranth flowers edible? All of the amaranth plant is edible – the roots, the leaves, the flowers and the seeds . It is …

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What is chanterelle?

One of several species called “chanterelle” (Cantharellus cibarius) Chanterelle is the common name of several species of fungi in the genera Cantharellus, Craterellus, Gomphus, and Polyozellus. They are the among the most popular of edible wild mushrooms. The false chanterelle is a deeper orange with no yellow. The color is also graded, meaning they’re darker …

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Can dogs eat millet?

Phosphorus is essential for healthy bones, and iron maintains energy levels and overall health. While some dogs thrive on grain-free diets, millet is a healthy source of carbohydrates for most dogs, and easier to digest than wheat . Millet flour can be baked into treats, and is a common ingredient in dog foods. The good …

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Can you grow morel mushrooms?

Growing morel mushrooms indoors is nearly impossible for all but experts with access to the strictest laboratory conditions and equipment. To grow morel mushrooms at home, you must try to replicate their favorable growing conditions outdoors . While writing we ran into the inquiry “Can you grow morel mushrooms at home?”. To grow morel mushrooms …

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Freekeh where to buy?

With the popularity of freekeh these days, many stores carry this whole grain. You can find freekeh in Middle Eastern stores , whole foods stores, health food stores or online. Enjoy a delicious and flavorful ethnic Syrian freekeh pilaf. Where can I find freekeh in the grocery store? Many natural grocers stock cracked freekeh along …

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How do morels spread?

The morel fungus, like other mushrooms, can spread in two different ways : The mushrooms produce spores that are released into the environment when the fruiting heads mature. These spores produce strands of mycelium which grow and spread like roots until they are mature enough to produce mushrooms in new locations. After you strain and …

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What are morels in food?

Morel mushrooms, or just morels, are a type of wild mushroom with an earthy, nutty flavor. They have a meaty texture, unlike the more slimy texture of other mushroom varieties. These mushrooms are a highly desired ingredient among chefs and mushroom enthusiasts. Another frequent question is “What do morels taste like?”. The favorite answer is …

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Can garbanzo beans cause gout?

However, there are some beans that are particularly high in purines, so people with severe gout may want to avoid them. Purine-rich vegetables: Asparagus, dried beans (especially fava and garbanzo), mushrooms, peas, spinach. Read complete answer here. This begs the inquiry “Are garbanzo beans good for gout?” Low-purine types of beans Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) Here …

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Where are morels?

In the U. Morels grow in forested regions on the Pacific coast from San Francisco north through Washington State . They are also found east of the Mississippi River from eastern Texas up through New York. So, what is a Morel sighting map? The morel sighting maps are a great way to help each other …

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