Tony Smith

I'm a lifelong cooking enthusiast with a special love for strange and underused ingredients. I hope this blog helps open your mind to more of the wonderful edible treasures around us.

Are beans toxic to dogs?

Coffee beans — Can cause neurological damage and even death. Raw red kidney beans — Contain a toxin dangerous to dogs. More about beans: Though many raw beans contain the toxin Phytohaemagglutinin, also called kidney bean lectin, kidney beans contain the highest toxin levels. Cooked beans also contain the toxin, but in much lower and …

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Are kidney beans fiber?

Kidney beans are high in fiber . They contain substantial amounts of resistant starch, which may play a role in weight management (12). Kidney beans also provide insoluble fibers known as alpha-galactosides, which may cause diarrhea and flatulence in some people (13, 14). Another inquiry we ran across in our research was “How much fiber …

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What is the lima agreement?

The treaty was signed in 1975 at a convention of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, in Lima, Peru. It is an international agreement to wind down national manufacturing in developed nations and transferring the manufacturing capability to developing nations. The Lima Agreement has the potential to turn developed countries like Australia into non developed …

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Do beans flower?

Age is a factor when no bean flowers is the problem. Unlike other plants that may set blooms continuously through the early part of the growing season, beans usually need to reach maturity before they will bloom . If your plants are still young, they may simply need more time. Most beans only need about …

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Are kidney beans toxic?

Kidney beans are more toxic than most other bean varieties if not pre-soaked and subsequently heated to the boiling point for at least 10 minutes. The U. S Food and Drug Administration recommends boiling for 30 minutes to ensure they reach a sufficient temperature long enough to completely destroy the toxin. The main cause is …

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Can you eat coffee beans?

Coffee beans are safe to eat. However, consuming coffee beans in moderation is advised because their nutrients are more concentrated than liquid coffee’s. A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Are coffee beans safe to eat?”. That said, green coffee beans — which are raw — aren’t very pleasant to eat. They …

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What to do in lima peru?

Because of its unique geography and climate there is no shortage of activities to do in Lima, Peru. From water sports along its coast to paragliding, sand boarding or exploring the rugged desert in an ATV, there are plenty of adventure activities in and around the city. You might be asking “What to do in …

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What beans go with eggs?

This egg and baked beans recipe is so flavorful. It has a great combination of creamy, hearty, sweet, fiery and smokey flavors. Pre-heat the oven to 400°F. Divide baked beans between 3 small ovenproof dishes. Add Louisana hot sauce (about 1 – 1½ tbsp) into each dish. That said, for two sloppy piles, these quick …

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When was mr bean made?

Mr. Bean is a fictional character from the British comedy television programme Mr. Bean, its animated spin-off, and two live-action feature films. He was created and is portrayed by Rowan Atkinson and made his first appearance on television in the pilot episode which first aired on 1 January 1990 . Who is Mr Bean? Mr. …

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What beans cause gas?

A review of three studies found that different legumes cause different amounts of gas. Researchers compared the flatulence people reported after eight weeks of eating one-half cup of these foods in various combinations: Pinto beans., and black-eyed peas. Vegetarian baked beans., and canned carrots. Beans (legumes) cause gas because they contain a particular sugar , …

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Do beans need to be organic?

Fruits are sweeter, vegetables taste a lot more like they should, and beans have a nuttier, richer flavour when grown organically. Another benefit of buying something like organic black turtle beans or kidney beans is that they have more nutrients . Factory farming uses a lot of different pesticides and other chemicals to shorten the …

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How beans grow?

Beans grow best in soil with good drainage and lots of nutrients . To prepare your soil, mix in a garden compost and gardening topsoil into your garden plot. Use a hoe to till the soil thoroughly and break apart any clay-like chunks. Incorporating the compost into the soil will help to provide plenty of …

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Does beans cause gout?

Consumption of beans does not appear to trigger gout attacks , the authors of the study published in the “New England Journal of Medicine” report 1. In addition, consumption of other high-purine vegetables — including mushrooms, peas, spinach and cauliflower — is not related to any worsening of gout symptoms. Do beans without meat cause …

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Are beans easy to grow?

Beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) are easy-to-grow annual vegetables . While you can speed germination of many seeds by soaking in water overnight, don’t soak beans before planting. Soaking bean seeds generally results in poor germination; instead, plant in warm, moist soil for best results in the garden. The traditional way to grow beans is …

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