Tony Smith

I'm a lifelong cooking enthusiast with a special love for strange and underused ingredients. I hope this blog helps open your mind to more of the wonderful edible treasures around us.

Where does oats originate?

The wild ancestor of the domesticated oat is called Avena sterilis. Recent genetic evidence shows that this wild form of the modern oat originated in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East. Interestingly, it is thought that oats were not domesticated in the Middle East but in Europe during the European Bronze Age. Where are …

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Are oats naturally gluten free?

No, oats don’t contain gluten naturally . However, the question “is oatmeal gluten-free? ” becomes complicated when it comes to how oats are grown and manufactured. Commercially sold oats can sometimes be contaminated with gluten if they are mixed with grains like wheat, barley and rye during the manufacturing process (more on this below). This …

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Does barley have gluten?

Barley is a healthy whole grain, but it’s not gluten-free . Its gluten content is low, but it may only take a tiny amount to make people with celiac disease sick. To make sure you don’t accidentally eat barley, learn how to identify it on food labels. Is barley gluten free? Of the gluten-containing grains, …

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Are oats acidic?

Oats are acid. Oats aren’t acidic. On and on with confusing info. At a loss re acidity of oats. Could be such a useful grain on this diet. Mostly deemed definitely acidic so unsure why recommended as breakfast base here. Oats are not acid forming. Are steel cut oats acidic or alkaline? Alkaline Foods: Steel-cut …

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Why do oats make me sleepy?

“Grains in oatmeal trigger insulin production much like whole-grain bread,” says Cynthia Pasquella, CCN, CHLC, CWC. ” They raise your blood sugar naturally and make you feel sleepy. Oats are also rich in melatonin, which relaxes the body and helps you fall asleep.”. One is that you may be having an insulin response (well you …

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Do oats have protein?

Oats contain all nine essential amino acids necessary to make up a complete protein . However, oats don’t have quite enough of the amino acid lysine to qualify as a complete protein. This is why you should complement your oats with another incomplete protein from another food group, to bump up the quota of lysine …

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How do boats pollute?

Boating can cause pollution and have a heavy impact on the ocean and its environment. Boat motors that use fuel pollute by emitting gasses and carbon dioxide . The garbage from boats ends up in the oceans. Larger boats can cause noise pollution . Do boats cause pollution? Here’s the Rundown on Boats and Pollution: …

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Does barley have iron?

Barley contains 1.3 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Grams is a measure of weight. To put 100 grams in perspective, consider alternative measures for this food:. Collagen gives skin structure and elasticity. Barley also contains selenium , a mineral that doubles as a powerful antioxidant, which helps protect skin cells from free radical damage. …

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Does barley have starch?

Native barley starch is a plant-based ingredient used in food and beverages. It is obtained from barley. Native barley starch is comparable to native wheat starch . Barley is a white to off-white powder with a neutral odour and taste. One query we ran across in our research was “Is pearl barley high in starch?”. …

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Why oatmeal is good?

2 Reduces blood pressure . 3 Reduces cholesterol. 4 Shields your skin. 5 Lowers risk of colon cancer. 6 (more items). Another frequent question is “What are the health benefits of oatmeal?”. The not-so-humble oat contains a special type of fibre called beta-glucan, which can help to lower cholesterol — so they’ll keep your heart …

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Can a boat sink?

As a ship is sinking it creates a suction as the air in the ship is replaced with water. As the ship sinks it could begin to suck you down with it unless you have enough buoyancy to keep you afloat. Can a pontoon boat sink? To better understand if a pontoon boat can sink …

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Do oats contain wheat?

Oats do not come from wheat . Even though they are both cereal grain grasses, they are not the same plant. Oats are usually consumed as a whole grain, whereas wheat is most commonly ground into flour that is used to make a variety of products. No, oats do not come from wheat. Oats come …

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Can barley expire?

Yes, uncooked barley does expire , and although keeping it in optimum conditions, it will likely remain good past its “Best Before” date, it won’t stay edible indefinitely. Over time the color, flavor, and texture of the barley may change, and nutrients will be lost. Always look carefully at the barley before using it. How …

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White button mushroom prostate cancer?

“While more research is needed, it’s possible that white button mushrooms could one day contribute to the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer.” Although the U. S. Department of Agriculture classifies them as vegetables, mushrooms actually provide nutrients common in both plants and animals. Previous studies find mushrooms are rich in antioxidants which may stop …

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Are oats refined carbs?

Oatmeal is often thought of as the ultimate healthy breakfast—but if you’re buying the instant flavored kind, we have some bad news for you: Those added sugars count as refined carbs. “Choose rolled or steel-cut oats instead,” says Kohn. A 3.5 oz. Serving size (100 grams) of oats contain about 389 total calories. Breaking down …

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What is rolled oats?

Rolled Oats are used in baking dishes like cakes, bread, cookies . Australian cookies called Anzac are very traditional and delicious. Oats have become very famous health food in the last couple of decades. What are thick-rolled oats? Rolled oats are a type of lightly processed whole-grain food. Traditionally, they are made from oat groats …

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Are white button mushrooms safe to eat raw?

The common white button mushroom, for example, naturally contains a chemical called agaratine, which has been connected to inducing cancer in experimental animals. The chemical is cooked out of the mushroom at high temperatures, so common knowledge states that you should properly cook these mushrooms and never eat them raw. The white button mushrooms, as …

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