Can oats lower cholesterol?

” Steel-cut oats, in particular, can help to lower cholesterol and are high in soluble fiber.” According to a 2015 study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, whole-grain oats are known to be the best whole grain for lowering LDL cholesterol numbers.

Try a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. New research adds to earlier evidence that among the whole grains, oats are the most effective choice when it comes to lowering cholesterol.

It is thought that the oat fibers in the oatmeal mix with cholesterol in the small intestine, then bind to the cholesterol molecules and carry it out of the body instead of it being absorbed into the blood. 2 Oatmeal seems to be most effective in lowering LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) levels.

Another frequently asked inquiry is “Can Oat β-glucan help lower cholesterol?”.

Beverages enriched with 5 g of oat β-glucan (molecular weight of 70 k. Da)56decreased the levels of total plasma cholesterol in hyperlipidemic subjects.

Is oatmeal good for Your Heart?

Oatmeal was one of the first foods to carry the heart healthy distinction on its label because of promising research findings . 1 It is thought that the oat fibers in the oatmeal mix with cholesterol in the small intestine, then bind to the cholesterol molecules and carry it out of the body instead of it being absorbed into the blood.

Then, what is the healthiest oatmeal to eat?

The experts say really any type of oat, as long as it is whole oats and not heavily processed, has health benefits. But Karen Graham, RD, CDE, says slower-cooking types of oatmeal in a more whole, unprocessed form are the healthiest (think steel-cut oats or large-flake oats, Graham says).

What are the health benefits of whole grain oats?

“Whole grain oats contain soluble fiber which helps to lower cholesterol,” says Lisa Young, Ph. D, RDN, author of Finally Full, Finally Slim and a member of our medical expert board. ” Steel-cut oats, in particular, can help to lower cholesterol and are high in soluble fiber.”.