How much do oyster mushrooms cost?

On average we can take 9 crops in a year as the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is not possible during summer months. So, the production cost of each crop is Rs. 7, 500 as we are growing 9 crops in a year. Production costs in a year will be Rs. 7500 × 9 = 67, 500.

How much do oyster mushrooms sell for in India?

One kilogram of oyster mushroom fetches Rs. 120 in the market averagely. So, if we consider 500-kilo grams as average yield per crop for 9 crops it will be 9 x 500 = 4, 500. In this way for selling 4, 500-kilo grams of oyster mushrooms farmers will get Rs.5, 40, 000.

So, if we consider 500-kilo grams as average yield per crop for 9 crops it will be 9 x 500 = 4, 500. In this way for selling 4, 500-kilo grams of oyster mushrooms farmers will get Rs.5, 40, 000.

How much does a morel mushroom cost?

The fresh Morels weigh more and can range in price from $30 to $90 per pound . The problem with Morels is that they appear in their own season. In the United States they are found from late March through May. Though they are available in every state, foragers find the delicate mushrooms are most abundant in the states of the Midwest.

According to the American Mushroom Institute, the 2016-2017 mushroom crop in the United States was 929 million pounds, with a value of $1.22 billion. The average price per pound was $1.32 per pound. These prices for everyday mushrooms are exceeded by specialty mushrooms such as Shiitake, Oyster and Exotics, which came in at $3.78 per pound.

How many mushrooms can you get from one substrate?

Yield An average of 33 kg of fresh button mushrooms per square metre of substrate can be obtained. In case of oyster mushrooms yield depends on the type of substrate used. For example wheat straw would convert at 75 to 100% (75-100 kg fresh mushrooms are expected from 75-100 kg of dried wheat straw).

Are there different types of oyster mushrooms?

A tremendous variety of oyster mushrooms exist. The type you want will determine price. Late fall oyster mushrooms run on the lower end of price, but can be very tasty in the right preparation. The others are as versatile as the typical mushrooms.

As befitting their name, King Oyster Mushrooms are the largest of the Oyster family, with a single fruit weighing in well over 1 pound. With their brown, stout cap and thick white stem, these fungi can grow up to 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, and their distinctive shape has earned them the nicknames King Trumpet, French Horn, and Royal Trumpet.