This grain can be found in the cereal aisle , grain aisle, or several other locations throughout the grocery store. Instead of going on a mission to find barley, learn about this grain to make sure that you’re aware of the benefits of barley. Then, check out these aisles and locations to find barley at the store.
Which section or aisle to find barley in grocery store. The first place you can find barley in grocery store is the grains section. Usually it is placed next to the dried beans and rice. If you do not find barley in the above stated aisle then move on to check the bulk section. If your grocery store has bulk bins then there is a high probability that you will find barley there.
Where is barley in the grocery store?
The first place you can find barley in grocery store is the grains section . Usually it is placed next to the dried beans and rice. If you do not find barley in the above stated aisle then move on to check the bulk section. If your grocery store has bulk bins then there is a high probability that you will find barley there.
Or you can buy it from Amazon . One more stop for this product is the breakfast section with different cereals and cornflakes. If you do not find barley here, you can also go to the soup section, because barley is often used for cooking soups .
Another frequent query is “Why is barley next to rice in the grocery store?”.
If there is an individual rice section in the store, sometimes barley will be directly next to it. This is because rice is also a grain , and barley can be found in many things that rice can be. Therefore, it makes sense to put the barley next to rice and beans.
Where can I buy Bob’s Red Mill pearl barley?
Walmart-Walmart offers plenty of options, including Bob’s Red Mill Pearl Barley and Goya Barley. Use the website’s store locator to find out what’s available in your store.